identity design, brand applicationpackage design

DATE: May 2019

CLIENT: Kirine Pyogo

#logodesign #branding #photography #packagingdesign #food&beverage #identitydesign

We rebranded a mushroom farm in Hongcheon, South Korea. Since its founding in 2013, Kirine Pyogo (Pyogo means Shiitake in Korean) has been serving their fresh mushrooms and mushroom-related products in the market without a unique brand image. We were glad that this very special project came into our hands: It was like having a magical taste of Mother Nature when we tried a piece of a raw pyogo mushroom from their farm... It's always a pleasure to brand a product we love. 

Tel. +82 70 4772 0808


서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층

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서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층 

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