brand naming, identity design, brand application, truck design

DATE: May 2019


#naming #logodesign #branding #packagingdesign #food&beverage #identitydesign

Three young Korean Canadians launched a new brand for coffee and cheong, a very traditional Korean beverage, in Toronto. We were very excited about this project, since we were in charge of brand naming, identity design and the truck wrap design as well. We had never done any wrapping for a vehicle before, but we were pretty confident we could pull it off (we're cool like that). For their first purchase of a coffee truck they got a pretty big one, a beautiful 18-feet-long white truck. Maybe now you are able guess why we named this brand 18 FEET. They debuted in the University of Toronto in August, and got super popular in many different streets in Toronto. Cheers!

Tel. +82 70 4772 0808


서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층

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서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층 

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