logo design, application design

DATE: February 2016

CLIENT: Popcorn Pictures

ROLE: Art Direction

#3Danimation #animation #logodesign #titledesign

We designed the title of a 3D animation Ray The Brave Firetruck. Based on the popular kids book , Popcorn Pictures created a full 3D animated TV series with EBS, Choirock, and Yeondoo Sesang. As designers, we are all big fan of animated films obviously, so this title design opportunity was a great honour for us. It's always great to make something for kids. 

Tel. +82 70 4772 0808

Email. antoni@antoniseoul.com

서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층

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서울시 강남구 테헤란로 507 위워크빌딩 9층 

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